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Whitney's Story - At a Breaking Point

Updated: Oct 24

Have you ever been in that “breakdown before the breaking point” place? The “if something doesn’t give, I’m giving up” space? Whitney M.

Sometimes there’s a crisis that cuts so deep, it literally feels like your heart, your whole world, has cracked.  Maybe you’ve been there and can relate to Whitney’s desperation, “In that room I could not escape the hell of a broken heart. I could find no relief”.  And yet, if you listen on, you’ll hear a story of hope about Jesus- “He is ready to be your rescue.  He is sure to be your security. He is the one who has chosen to enter and restore your story. He has promised to rebuild cracked foundations- including yours- one precious stone at a time.”

Reflection Questions

Consider for yourself…

As you consider your own life, which part of Whitney’s story seems to reach out for your hand and remind you that you’re not alone?  Consider the phrases, “the breakdown before the breaking point”, “I. can’t. do. this.” or “my world cracked”.


What can you anchor to?  

What is one truth or hope that you can grab ahold of from Whitney’s story and take back into your own life as you seek hope and healing this week? Consider the promise of building “a foundation of sapphires” or “Precious Daughter, you have no idea the good things I have in store for you”.


“Lord, you are so loving and kind. You are gentle and tender, but also fiercely protective of your children.  You are the only perfect Father and the best kind of friend - staying closer than a brother like your word says in Proverbs.  You promise in the Psalms to be near to the broken-hearted and save the crushed in spirit.  This means you see my friend here, with her tears- maybe considering her own cracked foundation, hearing her version of “I can’t do this” echoing off the walls, or feeling the heartache so deep in her stomach she can hardly catch her breath.  You see her.  You know her story. And you love her.  I pray she experiences the power of this truth - she is yours and you are hers.  Always. You promise that you will never leave her or forsake her. I pray this truth holds her close even as she may fear so many other things in her life slipping away.  


In Jeremiah you say you have plans to prosper her and not to harm her- plans to give her a hope and a future.  Even here.  Even now.  When she doesn’t know what tomorrow may bring- I pray you would steady her heart as if you’re walking beside her and holding her hand.  Jesus, your words in Isaiah says you will keep us in perfect peace as our eyes are fixed on you.  Please help us focus on your face, so that you can bring us the peace and the joy we long for.  You are the God of hope.  Please grant your joy, peace, and ultimately your hope to this hurting friend today like Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in him and overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit”.  Lord, thank you for your love and grace.  We trust that you will make a way, lead the way, and ultimately be the way.  Amen.”


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in him and overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit”.

Romans 15:13

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